Furman Naum Pavlovich
Born on 12/21/1903 in Novomirgorod (a suburb of Elisavetgrad), Kherson Province.
Father - Furman Foyvel (Pavel) Nusimovich, born in 1869
Mother - Furman (
1903. Naum Pavlovich was born back in those quiet Imperial times, when such notions as honor, name, dignity, etc., existed, and the notion “words of an officer” or “merchant word” was associated as a guarantor of what was said / done. The guarantor of such words, in most cases, served - life! Not the exception of this word was the father of Naum Pavlovich - Foyvel Nusimovich, who was at that time a merchant. He was born then by the standards of a well-to-do (well-to-do) family, which had: a large own house, household, servants, etc.
1905 Unfortunately or fortunately, at the age of two, Nahum's parents were forced to move to Odessa, on the recommendation of the doctors (about changing the climate for the child). because of
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